Wednesday, January 15

Being Healthy

Healthy habits help to stay functional and maintain a steady good health. This is especially important in difficult life situations. How long should children sleep? How does physical activity affect the immune system? Does it have to finish the portion, why is family peace important and what does uncontrolled use of gadgets lead to? It’s all in order.

Every parent dreams that their children will be healthy and successful. In today’s world, where everything is changing so fast, it’s not easy. Just yesterday – study, study groups and training, today – online learning and homework. When the whole family spends a lot of time in the four walls, the issue with the regime is more relevant than ever.

Why do we need a daily routine?

In childhood, there is so much to do! To know, to play, to master… It’s a pity to waste time on sleep. That’s why in the evening there are a lot of unfinished, but very important things and activities.

The importance of the regime can hardly be underestimated, especially for schoolchildren. Making up the daily schedule and distributing the load (lessons, clubs, sports, music), it is important to take into account the innate constitution of the child, his aptitudes, the need for rest. In doing so, children should have time for games and activities.

A healthy child with a properly built daily routine is happy, active and satisfied with what is happening here and now. If the child is capricious, nervous, does not eat or overeat, often caught a cold – there are signs of fatigue, exhaustion. Unfortunately, in this case, the breakdown will not keep you waiting. Take care of your children!

1. Adequate sleep

Sleep is the first condition for good health and development of the child. It is very important to go to bed on time. The earlier we fall asleep, the less time is needed for a good rest. For example, if a first-grader falls asleep at 21:00, then sleep by 6:00 am is quite real.

2. Healthy eating

Is it realistic to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract throughout life? Absolutely. Observance of certain rules will help in this, and we should start from childhood.

Healthy eating habits

  • The signal to eat is a slight famine.
  • You have to eat until you’re a little satiated. Appetite depends on many factors. For example, in the pre-disease condition, you often do not want to eat. In case of illness, eating weakens the defenses even more: the process of digestion distracts a lot of energy, which could go to counter the disease.
  • The diet must be age-appropriate.
  • Children’s GIT is not fully developed, so not all foods can be fully digested and digested.
  • During meals, the child can stop at any time.
  • It is not necessary to eat! Children feel well that they can digest what they are eating.
  • The child has the right not to eat this or that food. Don’t force it!
  • Any useful product can be replaced by its natural “analogue” without harming health. Even meat!
  • Night snacks make the gastrointestinal tract to work at a time when it should rest.
  • Any organ in our body needs to rest. The resting time of the digestive system is the night. It is normal for infants to fall asleep immediately after meals, but for schoolchildren the last meal is recommended 2 hours before sleep.
  • You can’t eat on a full stomach.
  • Do not maintain the habit of snacking on tea biscuits one hour after meals. This leads to undigestion and the formation of toxins.
  • Eating in front of a TV or other gadget is not acceptable.
  • Proper digestion of food can only be done by focusing on the food. The situation should be calm, disposable, in pleasant company, but not with your favorite characters from a cartoon or a movie. TV, any gadget, loud music is not conducive to the production of a sufficient number of enzymes, and therefore digestion and proper absorption of food.
  • The child, of course, will understand where good, healthy food, and where not very good. But only when it grows up.
  • The task of parents – to accustom children to the right food. Do not spare time for this! Nutrition is a reserve of health for life.
  • But even if you cook only tasty and healthy, the temptations will still be. How not to try what your peers eat at school! It’s no use fighting. Talk to children, explain that adolescence is the age of change, including the body, which can be severely affected by toxins and poor quality food.

3. Physical activity

The beneficial effects of physical activity on children are obvious and do not require proof. It is very important for a growing body to move. The need for this can be both muscular and originated in the brain, where the original impulses arise. If these impulses are ignored, they will fade with time. It is important to maintain the child’s genetic desire to be active.

4. Culture of communication

The human being is a social being. We constantly interact with other people in the family, in society, at work. We need to be able to observe the generally accepted rules of behavior. That’s what the family teaches us first. It is in the family that the child learns the basics of interaction with people, and what he or she sees is then transferred to society. Teachers often say: “We look at the child and understand the environment at home.

Be always polite to your child. Even when you are very unhappy with him, remember that you love him. Tell him about it and remember to praise the good! Teach children to express their opinions without fear, competently formulate and respect the interlocutor.

5. Information flow

We live in a time of total information abundance. The control over how a child finds and learns information, how he uses it, lies with his family. Children use the phone, tablet and computer, watch TV, listen to the radio, read and communicate with their peers. It is not always under the control of adults. The child absorbs the information he or she receives, but with almost no critical perception of the information, the ability to analyze and structure it can be useless and even harmful.

Another problem is the moral upbringing of a person in the information society in conditions when the action and its result can be significantly distant from each other. This leads to hacking information databases, personal pages, identity theft, trolling and bullying in networks that lead to suicide attempts among adolescents. The task of parents is to develop the information literacy of their children.